Are you just watching or wanna be a part of us to protect those tigers.

Harimau Sumatera berada di ujung kepunahan karena hilangnya habitat secara tak terkendali,
berkurangnya jumlah spesies mangsa, dan perburuan.

Sumatran Tiger Cubs - WWF

camera traps recorded 12 tigers in just two months.
WWF camera traps recorded 12 tigers in just two months in the central Sumatran landscape of Bukit Tigapuluh, including the mothers and cubs in this video. The forests where these tigers live face the looming threat of being cleared by the pulp and paper industry.
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Stripetosecure, Pekanbaru – Direktorat Reserse Kriminal Khusus (Ditkrimsus) meringkus dua orang pedagang satwa dilindungi melalui Facebook pada saat melakukan transaksi di parkiran Hotel Whiz Pekanbaru (30/7/2019) lalu. Pada pengungkapan ini petugas mengamankan barang bukti beru
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Stripetosecure, Pekanbaru –  Kabar penyelundupan satwa dilindungi terjadi lagi di Riau. Senin (24/6) petugas gabungan Bea Cukai Dumai, Polisi Militer TNI-AD, TNI-AL dan HNSI (Himpunan Nelayan Seluruh  Indonesia) berhasil menggagalkan upaya penyelundupan tujuh ekor satw
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  • Nullam quis risus eget urna mosqu e ornare sem lacinia quam vt at lob ortis. Cras justo odio, daodio, dapi bus ac facilisis.
    Zora May, Director